CV - Evelien Dirks

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Titel, voor- en achternaam:Dr. Evelien Dirks
Functie bij de NSDSK:Programmaleider doof/slechthorend
Speerpunten:Doof/slechthorend, taalontwikkeling, sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling, executieve functies, ouder-kindinteractie


Wetenschappelijke publicaties

  • Wauters, L., C Pagliaro, C., Kritzer, K. & Dirks, E. (2023). Early mathematical Performance of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Toddlers in Family-Centred Early Intervention Programs. Deafness & Education International, 1-18.

  • Der Nederlanden, S., Schaeffer, J., van Bakel, H. & Dirks, E. (2023). Socio-Economic Status and Other Potential Risk Factors for Language Development in the First Year of Life. Journal of Child Language, 1-21

  • Holzinger, D., Dall, M., Kiblböck, S., Dirks, E., Carew, P., Smith, L., ... & Sung, V. (2022). Predictors of Early Language Outcomes in Children with Connexin 26 Hearing Loss across Three Countries. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(7), 990.

  • Dirks, E., & Szarkowski, A. (2022). Family-Centered Early Intervention (FCEI) Involving Fathers and Mothers of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Parental Involvement and Self-Efficacy. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(3), 492.

  • Van der Zee, R. B & Dirks, E. (2022). Diversity of Child and Family Characteristics of Children with  Hearing Loss in Family-Centered Early Intervention in The Netherlands . Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11( 8), 2074.

  • Van der Zee, R. B., Uilenburg, N. N., van der Ploeg, C. K. P., & Dirks, E. (2022). Prevalence of Hearing Loss in Dutch Newborns; Results of the Nationwide Well-Baby Newborn Hearing Screening Program. Applied Sciences, 12(4), 2035.

  • Curtin, M., Dirks, E., Cruice, M., Herman, R., Newman, L., Rodgers, L., & Morgan, G. (2021). Assessing Parent Behaviours in Parent–Child Interactions with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Infants Aged 0–3 Years: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(15).
  • Lammertink, I., Hermans, D., Stevens, A., van Bakel, H., Knoors, H., Vissers, C., & Dirks, E. (2021). Joint Attention in the Context of Hearing Loss: A Meta-Analysis and Narrative Synthesis. The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 27(1), 1-15.
  • Szarkowski, A., & Dirks, E. (2021). Fathers of Young Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing Children: A Systematic Review. The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 26(2), 187-208.
  • Van der Straaten, T. F., Briaire, J. J., Dirks, E., Soede, W., Rieffe, C., & Frijns, J. H. (2021). The School Career of Children With Hearing Loss in Different Primary Educational Settings—A Large Longitudinal Nationwide Study. The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 26(3), 405-416.
  • Wauters, L., DesJardin, J. & Dirks, E. (2020). Supporting School Readiness Skills and Home Literacy Environment in Young Children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies in Literacy. Oxford University Press.
  • Dirks, E., Stevens, A., Kok, S., Frijns, J., & Rieffe, C. (2020). Talk with me! Parental linguistic input to toddlers with moderate hearing loss. Journal of Child Language, 47(1), 186-204.
  • Van der Straaten, T. F., Rieffe, C., Soede, W., Netten, A. P., Dirks, E., Oudesluys-Murphy, A.M., ... & DECIBEL Collaborative study group. (2020). Quality of life of children with hearing loss in special and mainstream education: A longitudinal study. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 128
  • Dirks, E., Rieffe, C. (2019). Are you there for me? Emotional availability in parent-child interactions for toddlers with moderate hearing loss. Ear & Hearing, 40(1), 18-26. DOI: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000596
  • Dirks, E. (2018). The development of young deaf and hard-of-hearing children: A closer look at the influence of the caregiving environment. In H. Knoors & M. Marschark (Eds.), Educating deaf learners: New Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
  • Wauters, L. & Dirks, E. (2018). Parents count: enhancing early math skills of young DHH children in the home environment. In H. Knoors & M. Marschark (Eds.), Educating deaf learners: New Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
  • Dirks, E. & Wauters, L. (2018). It takes two to read: interactive reading with young deaf and hard-of- hearing children. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 23(3), 261-270.
  • Dirks, E. (2018). Psychosocial functioning in toddlers with moderate hearing loss: The importance of caregivers [doctoral dissertation]. Universiteit Leiden.  
  • Wauters, L. & Dirks, E. (2017). E-Books versus print books: interactive reading with young deaf and hard-of-hearing children. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 22 (2), 243-252.
  • Netten, A. P., Rieffe, C., Soede, W., Dirks, E., Korver, A. M., Konings, S., ... & DECIBEL Collaborative study group. (2017). Can you hear what I think? Theory of mind in young children with moderate hearing loss. Ear and Hearing, 38(5), 588-597. DOI: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000427
  • Dirks, E., Lizet Ketelaar, L., van der Zee, R., Netten, P., Frijns, J., Rieffe, C. (2017). Concern for others: A study on empathy in toddlers with moderate hearing loss. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 22(2), 178-186.
  • Dirks, E., Uilenburg, N., & Rieffe, C. (2016). Parental stress among parents of toddlers with moderate hearing loss. Journal of research in Developmental Disabilities, 55,  27-36.
  • Rieffe, C., Dirks, E., van Vlerken, W. & Veiga, G. (2016) The empathic mind in children with communication impairments: The case of children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH); children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD); and children with Specific Language Impairments(SLI).  In V. Slaughter and M. de Rosnay (Eds). Theory of mind development in context. Psychology Press.
  • Dirks, E., & Wauters, L. (2015). Enhancing emergent literacy in pre-school deaf and hard-of-hearing children through interactive reading. In H. Knoors & M. Marschark (Eds.) Educating Deaf Learners. Creating a global evidence base, 415-441. Oxford University Press.
  • Netten, A. P., Rieffe, C., Theunissen, S. C., Soede, W., Dirks, E., Briaire, J. J., & Frijns, J. H. (2015). Low Empathy in Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Pre) Adolescents Compared to Normal Hearing Controls. PloS one, 10(4).
  • Netten, A. P., Rieffe, C., Theunissen, S. C., Soede, W., Dirks, E., Korver, A. M., ...DECIBEL Collaborative study group. (2015). Early identification: Language skills and social functioning in deaf and hard of hearing preschool children. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 79(12), 2221-2226.


Publicaties in vakbladen


(Poster) presentaties

  • Dirks, E. (2023). Als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel: Theory of Mind. FODOK-avond, 25 september 25, online.

  • Peet, S., Dirks, E., van Bakel, H., van den Akker, A. (2023). Mothers’ and toddlers’ use of emotion words: The predictive value of early childhood language development. World Association of Infant Mental Health (WAIMH), 15-19 juli, Dublin, Ierland.

  • Dirks, E. (2023). Wait and see: Parent-child interaction of deaf children with cochlear implants. Symposium on Early Parent-Infant Relationships: Perspectives from Clinical and Non-Clinical Samples, World Association of Infant Mental Health (WAIMH) conference, 15-19 juli, Dublin, Ireland.

  • Dirks, E. (2023). Workshop Voorlezen. FOSS dag 4 juni, Beekbergen.

  • Dirks, E. (2023). Child development within the context of parent-child interaction. Symposium at the European symposium on pediatric implantation, 1 juni, Rotterdam.

  • Dirks, E. (2023). Sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling van dove en slechthorende kinderen. Kentalis ouderavond, 11 mei, Vught.

  • Meijer, A., Dirks, E., Benard, R., & Baskent, D. (2023). Toegang tot spraak voor kinderen met een matig gehoorverlies. Partners in verstaan, 21 april, Hilversum.

  • Dirks, E. & Hoek, J. (2023). Masterclass Kinder en Ouder in Beeld. Partners in verstaan, 21 april, Hilversum.

  • Dirks, E. (2023). Deelkracht in beeld. Bijeenkomst Landelijk Werkverband Maatschappelijk werkers. 6 april, Utrecht.

  • Hoeve, A., Meijer, A., Ruben Benard, R., Dirks, E., Woonink, A., & Başkent, D. (2023). Environmental analysis in early intervention groups for young children with moderate hearing loss. Presentation at the ARO Midwinter meeting, 15 februari, Orlando, Florida.

  • Dirks, E. (2023). Ouderlijke taalinput. Gastcollege Taalontwikkeling in Sociaal Perspectief. BA-studenten Universiteit Utrecht, 4 februari, Utrecht

  • Dirks, E. (2023). Kijk je mee? Audiologendag, 27 januari, Utrecht.

  • Dirks, E. (2023). The development of deaf and hard of hearing children; a closer look at the caregiving Environment. Presentation at the department of developmental psychology, Cambridge University,  17 januari, Engeland (online).

  • Der Nederlanden, S, Schaeffer, J, Van Bakel, H. J., & Dirks, E. (2022). Parent-child interaction, but not SES influences language development in the first year of life. 23rd International Congress of Infant Studies, 8-10 juli, Ottawa, Canada.

  • Dirks, E. (2022). 'Kijk je mee?’. Onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van video-hometraining op de kwaliteit van de ouder-kindinteracties van dove en slechthorende baby’s. Presentation Deskcodag, 4 februari, Eindhoven (online).

  • Dirks, E. (2022).  Vaders in beeld. Nip, 23 mei, (online).

  • Dirks, E. (2022). Nooit te jong om te leren. Afscheidssymposium Prof. dr. Harry Knoors, Met het oog op de toekomst. 23 juni, Nijmegen.

  • Dirks, E. (2022). Fostering the language and social-emotional development in young children with hearing loss. Keynote presentation at the Beyond Speech Workshop. Towards better Communication for Children with Hearing loss, 6 september, Australië (online).

  • Dirks, E. (2022). Wat werkt voor iedereen?  Van der Lem symposium, 15 september, Alkmaar.

  • Dirks, E. & Zaidman-Zait, A. (2022). It takes two, The Role of Co-regulation of emotions in toddlers with hearing loss. 5th International Congress on Family- Centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, 9-10 juni, Bad Ischl, Oostenrijk.

  • Van der Zee, R. & Dirks, E. (2022) Diversity of Child and Family Characteristics of Children with Hearing loss in Family Centered Intervention. 5th International Congress on Family- Centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, 9-10 juni, Bad Ischl, Oostenrijk.

  • Dirks, E., Hoek-Vos, J., van Ruitenbeek, M. (2022). KIJK JE MEE? Een wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van VHT bij gezinnen met een dove of slechthorende baby. Keynote presentatie op de AIT studiedag, 14 november, Ede.

  • Dirks, E. & Szarkwoksi, A. (2022). Don’t forget the fathers. 5th International Congress on Family-centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, 9-10 juni, Bad Ischl, Oostenrijk.

  • Szarkwoksi, A. Dirks, E., Laugen, N., Zaidman-Zait, A. (2022). Exploring the role of emotional regulation in deaf and hard of hearing infants, toddlers and young children. 5th International Congress on Family-Centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, 9-10 juni, Bad Ischl, Oostenrijk.

  • Dirks, E. & Zaidman-Zait, A. (2022). It takes two, The Role of Co-regulation of emotions in toddlers with hearing loss. 5th International Congress on Family- Centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, 9-10 juni, Bad Ischl, Oostenrijk.

  • Van der Zee, R. & Dirks, E. (2022) Diversity of Child and Family Characteristics of Children with Hearing loss in Family Centered Intervention. 5th International Congress on Family- Centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, 9-10 juni, Bad Ischl, Oostenrijk.

  • Dirks, E. & Knoors, H. (2021). Ruim 30 jaar na dato: de effecten van cochleaire implantatie bij  Kinderen. Masterclass Partners in Verstaan congres, 9-10 november, Lunteren.

  • Dirks, E. & Peet, S. (2021). Vaders in beeld. Presentatie op Partners in Verstaan congres, 9-10 november, Lunteren.
  • Dirks, E. (2021). Sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling en executieve functies in kinderen met gehoorverlies. Presentatie tijdens de studiedag 25 jaar Audiologie aan de Hogeschool Audiologie en Logopedie,  15 oktober, Gent, België.
  • Wauters, L., & Dirks, E. (2021). Parents Count: Early math skills in relation to the home environment. Online presentation at the ICED conference, juli. Brisbane, Australië.
  • Dirks, E. (2021). Recente ontwikkelingen omtrent dove en slechthorende kinderen. Presentatie Deskcodag 17 juni, Amsterdam (online).
  • Dirks, E. (2020). Promoting social-emotional development in children with hearing loss: the importance of caregivers. Keynote presentation at the 24 november, Engeland (online).
  • Dirks, E. (2020). Promoting social-emotional development in children with hearing loss. Keynote presentation at the Satakieli Seminar XXI, 24 september 24th, Finland (online).
  • Hermans, D. & Dirks, E. (2019). May I have your attention please? The importance of joint attention in the development of young DHH children. Third International Conference on Teaching Deaf Learners, 7-8 november, Haarlem.
  • Dirks, E. (2019). Het belang van emotietaal en rekentaal. Congres Leren praten met plezier, 20 mei, Amsterdam.
  • Dirks, E.  (2019). Klaar voor de start? De sociaal-emotionele en cognitieve start van kinderen met een auditieve of communicatie beperking in het basisonderwijs. Schoolpsychologencongres, Leren, Leren en Leren en Gluren bij de Buren, 22 maart, Amsterdam.
  • Knoors, H., Dirks, E. & Hermans, D. (2019). Mens sana in corpore sano. Masterclass Siméa congres, 6 april, Lunteren.
  • E. Dirks. (2019). Vroege ouder-kindinteracties bij jonge kinderen met communicatieproblemen. Congres Vroegsignalering en Vroeghulp, 13 maart, Eindhoven.
  • E. Dirks. (2018). Psychosocial functioning of toddlers with moderate hearing loss: the importance of caregivers. Coördinatorendag Vroegtijdig Opsporen Gehoorstoornissen,  6 november, Utrecht.
  • Benard, R. & Dirks, E. (2018). Slechthorendheid en Taal-Spraakontwikkeling. Werkconferentie Dalfsen 12 oktober, Wolfheze.
  • Dirks, E. (2018). Hoe vroeg is vroeg genoeg? Van der Lem symposium, 21 september, Amsterdam.
  • Dirks, E. (2018). Social-emotional development of deaf and hard of hearing children in relation to their caregiving environment. Keynote presentation at the 4th International Congress on Family-Centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, 13-15 juni, Bad Ischl, Austria.
  • Dirks, E., Stephan, M. & Diender, M. (2018). Parent-child interactions in young children with developmental language disorders. ASHA Conference November, Boston, USA.
  • Dirks, E. & Kip, P. (2018). Parent-child interactions in children with hearing loss.  ASHA Conference, November 2018, Boston.
  • Wauters, L. & Dirks, E. (2018) 4th International Congress on Family-Centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, 13-15 juni, Bad Ischl, Austria.
  • Stevens, A., Dirks, E. Frijns, J., Rieffe, C. (2018). Parental linguistic input to toddlers with moderate hearing loss. 4th International Congress on Family-Centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, 13-15 juni, Bad Ischl, Austria.
  • Van der Zee, R., Van Dijk, M. Hijmans, Y. & Dirks, E. (2018). Connected in Communication, a toolkit for parents of young DHH children. 4th Congress on Family-Centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, 13-15 juni, Bad Ischl, Austria.
  • Stevens, A. & Dirks, E. (2018). Hoe praten ouders thuis? Siméa congres, 19-20 april, Lunteren.
  • Wauters, L. & Dirks, E. (2018). Vroege rekenvaardigheden van dove en slechthorende peuters. Siméa congres, 19-20 april, Lunteren.
  • Pagliaro, C., Wauters, L., Kritzer, K. & Dirks, E. (2018). Global Perspectives: The Dutch Adaptation of the Math Readiness Parents As Partners Intervention and the Early Mathematics Performance Diagnostic. 44th Annual International ACE-DHH Conference. Tuscon, United States.
  • Dirks, E., Hermans, D. & Knoors, H. (2017). Executive functioning in preschoolers with hearing loss:associations with parent-child interaction. ASHA Conference, november, Los Angeles.
  • Dirks, E. (2017). The development of young deaf and hard of hearing children: Does parenting matter? Second International Conference on Teaching Deaf Learners, 24-25 maart, Amsterdam.
  • Wauters, L. & Dirks, E. (2017). Parents count: stimulating early math skills in the home environment. Second International Conference on Teaching Deaf Learners, 24-25 maart, Amsterdam.
  • Knoors, H. & Dirks, E. (2017). Met slechthorende kinderen de wereld in: we gaan op reis en nemen mee. Masterclass  Siméa congres, 6 april 6, Lunteren.
  • Dirks, E. (2017). Slechthorende kinderen. Presentatie ter gelegenheid van 10 jaar neonatale gehoorscreening Aruba, 17 mei.
  • Dirks, E. (2017). Executieve functies van CI-kinderen. Presentatie op symposium 10 jaar ONICI, 3 november, Antwerpen.


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